Bender30™ and Bender160™
Increase irrigated acres and profitability with irrigation technology innovations.
Get the Most From Your Irrigation Systems
Tree lines and buildings can get in the way of your irrigation operation, keeping valuable acres out of production. To help you overcome these challenges, Valley® offers our Bender product line for center pivots. Valley Benders are easily, and inexpensively, added to your existing or new center pivot irrigation systems to put those acres into production – ultimately helping you increase your yields and profitability.
Bender30 and Bender160 Benefits
Add acres: Pick up additional acres on part-circle machines at a low cost.
Flexible: Add multiple bends per machine.
Options: Optional valves shut off the water to stopped spans while bending.
Improved application: The Valley-exclusive speed-up timer improves water application performance while bending.
Assure performance: Integrated back-up safeties prevent the machine from overextension and ensure return to normal operation after bending.
Bender30 Features
Bends up to 30 degrees in both directions.
Available on Model 8120 center pivots.
Span diameter options – 6″, 6 5/8″, 8 5/8″, 10″.
Utilizes existing structural components making it easy to retrofit without required structural change.
Available with PolySpan® for use with corrosive water.
Bends automatically; no operator input required.
Bender160 Features
Bends up to 160 degrees in both directions.
Available on Model 8120 center pivots.
Span diameter options – 6″, 6 5/8″.
Can bend in forward and reverse operation.
Utilizes custom structural components.
Integrated end gun and auxiliary controls for bending mode.