Valley Insights™

Detect Crop Health Issues Before it’s Too Late

Valley® Irrigation, in partnership with Prospera Technologies, brings you Valley Insights™: advanced service based on artificial intelligence. We use aerial imagery to virtually scout for crop health concerns related to water application or other issues in your field.

Other services simply provide imagery, leaving you to sift through and determine the proper treatment on your own. Valley Insights uses artificial intelligence (AI) to provide a true understanding of your fields, sent directly to you via SMS text message notifications.

Valley Insights Benefits

  • Detect pivot-related faults and crop-related stress caused by weeds, nutrient deficiencies or improper chemical application with Field Views.
  • Receive notification of potential plant damage so you can take action.
  • Reduce costs by focusing on specific areas of your field.
  • Adjust your pivot as needed to maintain crop uniformity.

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